Сlogged drain line of the air conditioner
- If the amount of refrigerant is reduced in the system, the temperature of the evaporator is also lowered and ice can be built on it. Then the water can not enter the tray, but it will drain to the fan and from it to the floor. Also, this problem can arise not only because of the lack of freon, but also when the evaporator or filters are heavily soiled.
- If the pressure regulator is not installed in your air conditioner, the pressure in the system may fall when the temperature is lowered in the street. Accordingly, the temperature in the evaporator also decreases. And it can happen even with enough freon. As a rule, the pressure regulator is an integral part of all air conditioners designed for year-round operation.
- The most banal reason – the freezing of the outlet of the drainage tube. This can happen if you use the air conditioner for cooling in the winter. In this case, the condensate must be discharged outside. If the temperature on the street drops below zero, the hole in the tube will freeze, clogging the outlet for water. However, it must be remembered that before cleaning the drain pipe, it is necessary to wash the drain pan and other elements of the drainage system of the air conditioner.
Fuse HVAC, Refrigeration, Electrical & Plumbing will restore your air conditioner.
Appliance Repair in San Jose, California