Why Is Hot Water Coming Out of Cold Tap? Discover the Causes and Solutions

Have you ever been opening your facet to get some refreshing face wash to only discover that it’s the hot water coming out of cold tap? If so, you’re likely wondering what kind of weird sorcery this is. The problem of two taps often points to underlying plumbing issues. Read our new article written with the help of our expert plumbers to know the reasons behind it, how to fix it, and ways to prevent it in the future. 

Understanding the Issue: Warm Water from Your Cold Tap

Discovering warm or hot water coming out of cold tap can be rather annoying. So first of all, it’s important to identify the main cause to resolve the issue effectively. No matter if it’s an occasional problem or a regular occurrence, in any case warm water in your cold tap may indicate more serious plumbing concerns. Key problems may include:

  • Unusually high water temperatures;
  • Inconsistent water temperatures;
  • Safety and comfort issues;
  • Potentially increased energy bills.

Identifying the cause will help you take the right steps to fix the problem. Below you can find the most common reasons behind this issue provided by FUSE plumbers from their experience.

Common Causes of Hot Water Coming Out of Cold Taps

Hot water coming out of cold tap

Understanding the underlying reasons for hot water flowing from your cold tap is essential for addressing the problem. Here are some common causes:

Hot and Cold Pipes are Too Close to Each Other

When hot and cold water pipes are placed too close together, heat can transfer from the hot pipe to the cold one and vice versa. This is especially likely if hot water has been used not long before the cold one. 

Malfunctioning Water Heater Check Valve

A faulty check valve in your water heater can allow hot water to backflow into the cold water lines. This causes hot water to come out of your both cold and hot taps.

Hot Water Recirculation System Issues

Hot water recirculation systems are designed to keep hot water readily available whenever you need it. However, if they malfunction, hot water might easily enter the cold water lines.

Incorrect Faucet Installation

Improper installation of faucets, particularly those with integrated mixing valves, can easily lead to unintentional mixing of hot and cold water.

External Heat Exposure

In warmer climates, plumbing lines exposed to sunlight or other heat sources can cause the water in the cold pipes to warm up under the rays of sun.

Why Is My Cold Water Warm?

If you’re questioning the skies, the gods and everything “Why, why is my cold water warm?” here are some possible reasons:

  • Thermal Expansion: When hot water stays in the pipes, it can cause nearby cold water to warm up through thermal expansion, particularly if the pipes are not insulated.
  • Faulty Anti-Siphon Valve: An anti-siphon valve prevents the wrong flow of water, but if it malfunctions, it could cause hot water to mix with cold.
  • Shared Plumbing Lines: In some buildings, cold and hot water lines may intersect. This is a big issue that causes the cold water to warm up.

How to Fix Warm Water from a Cold Tap

If warm water coming out of cold tap, consider these solutions:

  • Insulate Your Pipes: Insulating both hot and cold water pipes can prevent heat transfer and keep cold water as it should be—cold. This is a simple and effective DIY fix.
  • Check for Faulty Valves: Inspect and, if necessary, replace faulty check valves and anti-siphon valves to stop unwanted mixing of hot and cold water.
  • Install a Thermal Expansion Tank: A thermal expansion tank can help balance the temperature and pressure in your system, preventing warm water from entering cold lines.
  • Consult a Plumber: If you’re unable to identify the issue yourself, the only solution would be to contact a professional plumber who can thoroughly inspect your system and provide a repair.

Preventing Future Issues with Hot Water in Cold Taps

Warm water coming out of cold tap

To avoid dealing with warm water coming out of cold tap in the future, you could take these preventive steps:

  • Regular Maintenance: Schedule yearly plumbing inspections to catch early signs of issues with valves or pipe alignment.
  • Proper Pipe Installation: Ensure that cold and hot water pipes are correctly installed with enough separation to prevent heat transfer.
  • Upgrade Fixtures: Replacing old or outdated faucets and plumbing components can reduce the risk of cross-connection problems.
  • Monitor Recirculation Systems: Regularly check your hot water recirculation system to ensure it’s working properly.

Taking these preventive measures can make sure no unwanted hot water coming out of cold water tap. And if you need any assistance with fixtures, water heater and other plumbing problems, you know who to call! 


While finding hot water coming out of your cold tap can be weird and annoying, it’s an issue that can be resolved. From simple DIY fixes like pipe insulation to professional plumbing repairs, you have options on how to address and prevent this problem. If the cause isn’t really apparent, don’t hesitate to reach out to a trusted plumbing company in San Jose for expert advice—Fuse Service! We will help you keep your plumbing in top shape to ensure that your cold water tap always delivers cool water. We are available at (408) 898-1576 or support@fuseservice.com.

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